vAtomic is a platform allowing anyone to create virtual, valuable, and interactive representations of real objects for utilization of a range of uses. vAtoms, the individual virtual-objects, can manifest in a range of not-yet-fully-realized infinite ways, allowing the creators of the vAtoms the ability to craft singular experiences for the holders of the objects. vAtoms can be fleeting - a virtual order/coupon for a drink - or an interface itself for a range of culminating experiences - a virtual ticket to a festival that can contain bio, music, tickets, and a whole range of other interactions, as well as added benefits that can reveal themselves over time or within locations. A heady idea, with a huge amount of possibilities; it was a truly challenging role designing for an interface with such potential.
There have been multiple versions of the app, trying to bring focus to individual features. In my redesign I focused on the harvesting of vAtoms as the main focus, bringing a VR experience to the forefront with secondary list and map functions, downplaying personal inventory, messaging, profile, and notifications.
Top box shows original collected icons, borrow section is my updated icons minus the small sized versions originally used, because why?